Game Designer

Doge Runner v 0.0.3

Category : DogeRunner, GameDev · No Comments · by Aug 18th, 2019

Greeting Spambots!

It’s been a long while so here is an update!

After breaking down my scripting with my wife (she is the best). We found the solution to the overlapping object bug. Turns out I did not move the ground spawn point when I made the ground larger… thus half of the ground tile was overlapping onto the previous one…I know dumb mistake >_<;;

On the upside, I added in a collectible that players can now grab as you race down the endless path before you. This first collectible is tracked to see how many you collect as you run down the path. Currently, you can’t see how many…which brings me to the to do list.

What to do next :

  • UI for number of treats collected.
  • UI for how far you have run. (Game has objectives now, yay!)
  • Getting treats to spawn more uniformly
  • Getting treats to spawn over blocker objects.

Long term to dos:

  • Start and End state for the game. (Actual game at this point!)
  • Touch controls
  • Adjusting screen size so it can be played while vertically holding your phone.
Video of Progress

DogeRunner version 0.00.2

Category : DogeRunner, GameDev · No Comments · by Jun 8th, 2019
DogeRunner version 0.00.2

Progress was made spambots! Quick rundown of tasks worked on: Camera no longer follows the character when they jump.  Added…

The Start of Game Dev.

Category : GameDev · No Comments · by May 18th, 2019

Welcome to my journal/blog of one fool’s attempt to make a very simple game. There are multiple goals here. First, practice using the Unreal engine so that I can get better and faster at prototyping ideas for games. Second, make a game.

I will try to note pitfalls and epiphanies I gain about making games but again keep the bar low. No lower…yes, right there! (Then again only ones who will read this blog are spam bots. I think this paragraph might be a waste…)

About right…also foreshadowing!

Second goal is to make a simple game. That game is Doge Runner. It is an endless runner with a dog as the main character. The target for this game is IOS/Andoid title that all you have to do is tap to jump over obstacles. That’s it. Nothing fancy. Why so simple?

This great piece of advice is the reason:

“Imagine the dream game you want to make and list out all the features.

Now cut that list in half.

Do it again.


Once more!

Cut it again, this time with feeling!

Now you have a manageable game to start solo.” *

That is my plan here. Get this most basic gameplay solid then I might start adding the cool stuff like power ups, leaderboards, merchandise and movie deals.

Honestly, I mostly just wanted to make a game with my dog, Newton, in it.

Best Doge Ever!

OK, on to actual game dev work.

I love how Unreal 4 lets’ you start with premade game modes and lo they have a 3D side scrolling game mode. Just the one I wanted for this project. I love how these game modes they make great jumping off points to help get you where you want to go.

That end result is a grey robo man running on a path…endlessly running

Still no doges…yet

All of this thanks to lots of time reading/watching tutorials and documentation on how to make a path endless and making sure the character never stops running on that path…endlessly.

Yes, my (spam bot) friends, behold ~17 “glorious” seconds of robo man running and jumping when I press the spacebar:

Yeah, not much, but one step closer to my doge running on that path. Once I get the doge model working it’s time to add obstacles, fix the camera so you can always see the ground when you jump, and start tweaking jump height and response.

Till next time friends (spambots)!
