Location of renown heart.
(4) Scanner bundle item and skills.
(1) Possible dig site.
(2) Priory NPC waiting for marker.
(3) Cart where players get scanner.
Contributed to Dynamic event scripting, Renown Heart scripting, Jumping Puzzle creation, NPC idle scene scripting & base spawn placement.
Example of content I worked on:
The Durmond Priory are here to dig up old Asuran artifacts at Rata Pten in Criterion Canyon. The local fauna are not making this easy.
- The Renown Heart for this area follows the usual requirement of having multiple objectives to complete:
- Kill the canyon spider.
- Scan and mark potential different locations.
- Repair broken carts transporting the artifacts.
- Participate in the event: “Kill the giant spider disrupting the excavation”.
- Reviving downed players or NPCs.
- Turn in Asuran artifacts to NPC collectors.
- The renown region script tracks when a player kills a creature and checks to see if that creature counts towards this heart.
- The scanner is a bundle item. Bundle items are carried by the player, replacing their weapon and skills for that item.
- Skills for the scanner are:
- Scan – Sends pulse out to any viable dig sites. Viable ones found within the pulse will play an effect at the dig site.
- Mark – Places a marker at dig site signaling the nearby NPC to start digging at it.
- Electric Shock – Since the player loses all his combat skills, this gives them the ability to fight back without having to drop the bundle.
- Find artifact – Players have a small chance of finding an artifact at an active dig site.
- There is a script for nearby NPCs to start working at a site marked by the players.
- After the NPC works at the marked dig site it has a chance to either spawn a hostile creature or allow the player to collect an artifact by interacting with the dig site.