(1) Tents inside of Concordia.

(2) Paths enemies take to enter the fort.
Contributed to Dynamic event scripting, Renown Heart scripting, Mini dungeon creation, NPC idle scene scripting & base spawn placement.
Example of content I worked on:
Concordia is an allied base of convenience for the Priory and Vigil. Both parties realized that working together would allow them to not only survive the spread of the undead forces in the area, but also achieve their own goals . The Priory wanted to explore the dwarven ruins of Tyrants Mount, and the Vigil wanted fortifications to make sure the undead incursion didn’t push further inland.
- The main event objective is to protect tents set up around the Concordia fort.
- The enemies come in at one of the 2 gates the fort has set up on its North and south sides.
- The event succeeds if at least one tent is still standing in some form when the timer runs out.
- The event fails if all of the tents are destroyed. This failure leads to another event to retake the fort.
- The event checks to see the current status of the ruins of Tyrants Mount. If the ruins have undead, undead attack the fort. Otherwise grawl from the nearby Candle Chimney caves will attack.
- This event had 2 main objectives:
- Protect the tents.
- Defeat the enemies.
- The event script was set up to track both the number of tents still standing and the number of enemies waves that were defeated.
- The bigger issue was making sure the event kicked off the right enemies. This was done with a check while the event was preparing to start. It would see the status of the ruins of Tyrants Mount and choose which enemies to spawn.